In conversation with
In conversation with Mr. Sanan Aangubolkul
Chairman and President | Srithai Superware Public Company Limited

Tags: Energy, environment conservation, Îporceline, melamine ware industry, SMEs
FDI Spotlight: Please elaborate on the evolution and innovation of melamine products at Srithai Superware.
Mr. Sanan Angubolkul: About 50 years ago, the melamine ware industry was a sunset industry in the Western world. I decided to take the technology back to Thailand and together with our team, we worked very hard on developing and improving the quality and design of melamine ware. I was able to turn the industry around to where it is now experiencing explosive global multi- milliondollar growth.
Despite our initial success, our management, production and marketing strategies were evaluated to ensure that it reflected our commitment to integrity and excellence. In fact, this is a continuing process for us because we aim to be a people-oriented organization sensitive to the needs and welfare of our employees, partners, consumers and the communities wherein we operate. I strongly believe responsible entrepreneurship is paramount to success.
Furthermore, educating our people is essential to both their growth and that of the company’s. It inspires innovation and forward-thinking, especially in a labor intensive industry like ours. This progressive mindset led to an exciting breakthrough when we launched a new product called Îporceline’ two weeks ago. A mixture between porcelain and melamine, it looks like porcelain but it’s unbreakable like melamine. We are also exploring the use of modern-day automation systems in our production process. It’s essential to stay abreast of changing market and consumer trends and short and long-term goals keep us continually evolving as a company.
Melamine ware was destined for this fast-paced generation. From elegant to trendy styles, we have products that fit every budget. They are works of art of a different genre. Created with superior materials using the latest technology, Srithai Superware melamine ware products are equated with beauty and quality in the 110 countries around the globe where we distribute our products.
Do you have a message you would like to give to other Thai manufacturers?
Mr. Sanan Angubolkul: Previously the world’s biggest country, China, did not use melamine at all. Now it has 3,000 factories producing melamine ware. India is also becoming an important market. In fact, all Asian countries are using more and more melamine ware. Western markets in Europe and the United States have also opened up. The popularity of Srithai Superware products globally is evidence of our ability to compete in the international arena. However, it takes determination, perseverance and commitment in order to establish a widely acclaimed and reputable brand.
In Thailand, SMEs comprise 97% of the private business sector. This can be changed with the right incentives so that they can have a greater impact on the national economy. Challenges are par for the course in any business, but Srithai has set the example that motivation and diligence are key elements to achievement. Actually, Thai products are considered very reliable and are wellknown not only in the ASEAN region, but in the USA as well. So the potential is definitely there for Thailand to be an even bigger competitive player in world business and we must continue to pursue ways to develop this.
Do you have any words of wisdom for the ASEAN to help establish their identity as a region and how ASEAN countries can work together to form a strong economic block.
Mr. Sanan Angubolkul: The launching of the AEC is a definite move in the right direction. ASEAN countries have many things in common but at the same time we are also very diverse in terms of religion, culture, and politics. There is tremendous power and potential in a region with 600 million people. In order to harness this power, we need to proceed with a greater sense of cooperation and unity between our nations. There is even a good possibility that China and India will join us in the near future, so how we manage these initial stages is crucial. I am confident that it won’t be long until we find our stride as a unified region.
On Srithai’s part we have prioritized ASEAN countries in our expansion and opened up manufacturing bases in Indonesia and Vietnam. Expansion into Myanmar is also on the agenda. Each of our factories implement the same corporate culture no matter where we are based. As we integrate into a more interactive regional economy, Srithai Superware pledges to carry on its role as an active contributor towards this greater goal.
How do you give back to the community?
Mr. Sanan Angubolkul: I am passionate about supporting educational causes. My experience as an AFS exchange student with a full scholarship to the United States for 1 year was an important growth opportunity for me. After I returned to Thailand, I was very keen about helping Thai youth to have an opportunity to study abroad and to, amongst other things, achieve an understanding of international business. Hence, I am very involved with AFS Thailand and every year around 16,000 students apply for our 800 fully and partially-covered scholarships. In addition, I also invest my efforts and resources in many other social causes in an effort to give back to the community. It’s a very fulfilling endeavor and I consider it integral to my personal and professional development.
Srithai Superware Public Company Limited CSR The Company realizes much importance of our operation and business management that might have an impact on society and environment. We, therefore, introduce 3 save: Save Material, Save Energy, and Save the World to our business. In the year 2015, the Company conducted a lot of activities and projects in line with the 3 SAVE policy. Here are some examples as follows:
3. Save Material means fully utilizing resource to its worth with efficiency.
Beverage packing product development project and the innovation conserving the environment Screw cap and perform of soft drink bottle In the year 2014, the Company produced screw cap and perform of water bottle of light weight to replace conventional cap. In the year 2015, the Company developed light-weighted products continually, e.g. PET Lightweight 29/25 Chase II
whose weight was reduced from 15.5 grams to 13.5 grams. We developed performs for carbonated soft drink bottles of many sizes. By reducing weight of our products, we help bottlers to consumer less row materials and save production cost. It is environment conservation.
2. Save Energy means energy & environment conservation
Carbon Reduction Label Project Carbon Reduction Label Project was carried out in continuation after completion of the Carbon Footprint Product Project which showed calculation of carbon dioxide gas-equivalent of all greenhouse gas emission in production process of any particular product. The greenhouse gases have adverse impact on global warming. Two food packaging products were verified, i.e. White Square Microwave 16 oz with Lid showed a reduction of 8.99%. Based on total volume of its production in the year 2015, emission of greenhouse gases was reduced by 223,512 kg. of carbon dioxide equivalent/year.
White Rectangular Microwave 570 ml. with Lid showed a reduction of 6.25%. Based on total volume of its production in the year 2015, emission of greenhouse gases was reduced by 77,011kg. of carbon dioxide equivalent/year.
1. Save the World means being socially responsible and environmental friendly.
Toxic-free Vegetable Gardening for Studentsí Lunch During March to July 2015, Amata Nakorn Chonburi factory of Srithai Superware Pcl. in collaboration with teachers and students of Baan Huay Saliga School located at Tambon Nongmaidang, AmphurMuang, Chonburi Province, militiamen and municipal administration launched toxic-free vegetable hydroponic gardening and hydro-box gardening for studentsí lunch. All volunteers set up the hydroponic garden and hydro-box garden. We gave training to students on vegetable gardening and how to use all tools and equipments. This activity made students and community-dwellers to realize on the importance of self-dependence according to philosophy of the Sufficiency Economy and how to create benefits during spare time. Students have learned the true meanings of responsibility & duties, devotion for common benefits, and future personal gain after learning this agricultural know how. We turned over the vegetable gardens to the teachers and students of Baan Huay Saliga School on 26 June 2015.