“Education is the foundation of civilisation. Every big country in the world must be based on excellent education. The rise and fall of civilisation generally follows the rise and fall of education in the wider sense of the word. If one wants one’s country to become the world’s greatest nation,
one must base it on education.”


“We are the first university in Indonesia to offer a postdoctoral research program. If I succeed in my plans, in four years, when my term as rector ends, UIN will have published three to four hundred articles in English and Arabic. After the next two or three rectors we will hopefully have reached the level of a real world-class university in Islamic studies.”


“This university totally inherits the dichotomy between science and religion. We try to dissolve the conflict between religious sciences like theology on the one hand and experimental sciences like chemistry on the other. We want to put God back into the process. My predecessor called this the problem of interconnection and integration”.





Prof. Drs. KH. Yudian Wahyudi, MA., Ph.D. Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Rector



“We follow the paradigm of ‘Tauhid’. For us as Muslims this means surrender your life to Allah. Follow the rules of Allah. If you are Christian, it means follow your Bible. If you are Jewish, follow your Torah. Here, I want to give every individual the chance to follow his own religion and make it part of their life. There are differences between followers of different religions and how they interpret God, but if you follow your religion as closely as possible you will always have guidance in your life. That is Tauhid.”





Dr. H. Martin Roestamy, SH., MH., Djuanda University of Bogor (UNIDA), Rector



“The word “Beragama” which literally means “religious” has in depth meaning as a manifestation of faith and piety to the Almighty God, in line with the first principle of Pancasila, as guidance for each citizen of the Republic of Indonesia to respect each other and to promote cooperation among religious groups within the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia.”





Prof Dr. Rudy Harjanto., M. Sn., Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama), Rector



“Indonesia does not only consist of one religion, one ethnicity, or one language. We are actually extremely diverse, and Indonesia has been famous for this for a long time. We hope that we can build character in our students that is full of love, counter to the unfortunate association people around the world make between Islam and terrorism. Islam for us is full of peace, and appreciation for different cultures.”





Prof. Dr. Mustofa Kamil, Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf (UNIS), Rector



“We can gain knowledge from religion and study it from different perspectives— theology, anthropology, sociology, and more. Our main goal now is to integrate Islamic knowledge with secular knowledge. We teach students science and technology alongside Islamic studies. Our lecturers must be comfortable with both sides of this. They must be equally knowledgeable about their specific subject matter and Islam.”





Prof. Dr. H. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si, Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN Alauddin), Rector



“Our university is one of the biggest organisations in Indonesia that is active within the education sector, in society and within the country’s religion. As Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung, we want to help make our society and education as balanced as possible and believe they must be.“





Dr. Agus Pahrudin, M. Pd, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung, Rector